Wednesday, July 24, 2013

letting go

what a trying few days we have had over here.  

to start we had a surprise visit from a little friend of ours.  her mommy needed a break, and thus dropped her little one off *insert surprise here* to play with nora, during what should have been nora's nap time.  we love our friends.

our friend is currently struggling with territory issues as well as a bit of an aggression problem.  under normal circumstances i am willing to let go and let kids be kids.  you know, kids need to figure out self expression, how to share, and specifically- learning boundaries of what is 'ok' and more importantly what is not 'ok'.

i get it.  however this situation presented some difficult challenges.  this little gal has parents that have chosen to avoid telling her "no", as in they don't use the word.  at all.... she is a few months older than nora and therefore a bit bigger and stronger.  nora is still an observer and isn't quite able to defend herself just yet.  a bit of a david and goliath scenario, if you will. 

i was at a complete loss on how to get these kids to peacefully co-exist.  how on earth do i maintain my role as a disciplinarian for my own little and then allow the other to get away with murder*?  i don't know the rules about disciplining someone else's child but i can assume if they don't say 'no', hand slaps are probably off the table.  time out? she seriously laughed at me.  so i played referee and we muddled through.  i can't say it was my best moment.

*ok, not actually murder. 

thankfully this was a short play date.  her mommy returned refreshed and ready to resume parenting of her own little.  

nora got her first shiner and she's a beaut.

the morning after

poor little lady took a nosedive into the entryway bench.  she recovered quickly, which jeremy attributes to her 'wolverine' genes.  if only.

true story.

remember that time when i went to the store and shopped for an hour with my little crazy in tow.  and then i found all my goodies and went to pay, only to discover that my little crazy had gotten into my bag at some point earlier in the day and had  taken out my wallet.  that's right folks.  no dollars, no plastics, nothing.  just my mumbled apology as we hurried out the door. 

lesson learned:  always keep a backup card in a secret spot.  thank heavens this didn't happen at the grocery store.  

luckily, it hasn't all been crazy bad these past few days.  we have also had some crazy good.  

nora is figuring out this whole spoon & fork thing.  it's awesome.

digging in

though sometimes, let's face it.  you just need to drop the spoon and dig in.

eating every last drop

here is hoping for some good crazy to come in the days ahead!


Sunday, July 21, 2013

a brief moment

a brief moment

hello?  ok so i am way late in the game with this whole blogging bit.  i had intended to get started when i had nora, after all, i had all the time in the world since i wasn't working.  insert motherhood responsibilities here.  i know, right?  i got sucked into the awesomeness that is being a mom and didn't want to do much else.

and now here we are.  nora is one and officially on the big girl track.  i am loving it.  her independence and attitude (for serious, she has some 'tude).  and now i have six spare minutes in the day and a free hand to type with.  so let's see how this blog thing goes!

just to pick up mid-sentence style in our lives, we are currently loving summer and bare feet.  this kid is awesome sauce.
