Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wait, WHAT?!

Holy cow.  Time has flown by.  We have been busy little bees over here.  I can't even process that it has been over a month since I last posted on here.  Nora looks like a completely different kid now!  That seems crazy awesome, but also makes me a little sad.  It really was just about a month ago...

We have done so many fun fall activities.  We picked pumpkins.  Nora had her first hot apple cider.  We trick-or-treated for candy (which has since been hidden from the little sweet tooth kid).  We had two Halloween costumes and have fallen in love with dress-up.  Nora learned to swing in the big girl swing and how to slide all by herself. She gets her own frozen yogurt these days. She even got a few new teeth!  BIG things are happening over here, I tell you!

She has become pretty obsessed with reading.  It was endearing in the beginning, now it's a little exhausting.  She does not care if I am in the middle of cooking, she needs to know what happens to that Very Hungry Caterpillar.  Lord help me if she finds Good Night Moon.  I had to hide it.  I had to.

Our schedule has opened up now that she is taking one nap instead of two.  We have tried to get outside every day that the temperature is above 55.  Today it was 40--- it was a long day.  I hope this doesn't mean its also going to be a long winter...

I am knee deep in craftiness over here.  Working on quilting my wedding gift-- due in just three weeks.  Yikes!  I have about eleventy-billion bows 1/3 of the way completed for my very first Craft Show, comping up in just two weeks.  Even bigger yikes.  No exclamation point necessary, just implied.  I also half-heartedly agreed to make neck ties for a few friends as well as some skirts (that I seriously LOVE to make) for little gals in the play group.  All in all, loads of fun.  But I could really just use a load of time to get them all done.

There are exciting times headed our way at Casa de Roxas.  We are just a few weeks away from Holiday season.  Travel to Dallas to visit friends and then to my brother's wedding where Nora will attempt to be an angelic flower girl.  And then straight home to Christmas decorations, I can hardly contain myself.  Yes, I have already started to sneak a few Christmas items on to our bookshelves.  I can't resist.  Christmas music is steadily playing throughout the day.  We watched the Polar Express today....  I can't help myself.  Jeremy was away last year so this really does feel like our first family Christmas.  I am so very excited.  I am also proud embarrassed to admit I have already finished all, yes all  of my Christmas shopping.  I made a list and checked it twice, in August.... 

Now, if you'll excuse me--

Mr. Crosby is singing about a fire and I am off to enjoy a cup of hot cocoa in my reindeer mug.

xo- J